Sunday, January 10, 2010

Plaid is Rad!

Plaid is one of my favorite fabrics because you can get it for next to nothing at thrift shops and it has lines for the print which makes cutting and sewing a breeze. Big thanks to my dad who tied the tie for us! Make your “purt” here! *Snip, snip, snip!*


  1. Plaid is/was so in this season! Haha, I don't know why I know that. But while shopping during the holidays I noticed that it's true. Plaid everywhere! And that's not such a bad thing... I never realized how user-friendly the pattern is, either. What a perk to your purt (By the way, maybe I missed something, but what is a purt?)!

  2. LIGHTBULB! Purse + Shirt. Ok, I get it!
