Thursday, December 16, 2010

I didn’t forget...

I just fell asleep! And because of that, IOU two treats today. The first is always a staple...fudge. The second is toffee (not just any toffee, but prize winning toffee). My mom made this toffee a few years ago for our local fair and won first place! It is so good! My mom is actually quite the baker and has won top points in the fair many times, but I think our fair days are gone. We haven’t entered anything for the last two time to get it all done. Making these two little treats took forever and it’s amazing to think that we used to crank these guys out along with twenty other things in one day! Now, I'm beat after making just one.


  1. Hey!
    I tagged you at meandering iris! Hope you do it!

  2. Yessss... Spam! Ahh, those were the days.

  3. Hi Iris! I just checked it out! Love all your song picks. I only have like two cd's on my player and they are workout mixes, haha! I live by my gym songs! :) I'll try to get that up here soon for you.

    Linna! How could I ever forget about all that SPAM! HAHA!

  4. haha! okay, great seeing you today! thanks for the cell phone cozy!

  5. It was so good to see you, too! Thanks for coming out! Glad you liked the cell phone cozy! You picked a fun design! I still have the jean purse for you. I'll keep it safe until I get it to you!
